Collinsville took home the prestigious 2018 Riverina Wool Australia Champion Hogget Merino Ram at the 67th Hay Sheep Show.
The award is renowned as Australia’s most prized for the Merino Ram Hogget and a proud achievement for Collinsville.
Judges for the stud sheep:
Wal Merriman, Merryville Merinos, Boorowa
Kim Henderson, Grogansworth Merinos, Bowning
John Bensley, Stillbrook Poll Merinos, Laggan
Associate judges:
Will Nadin, Warren
Felicity Brumpton, Jolly Jumbuck Merinos, Mitchell, QLD
Pictured is Tim Dalla from Collinsville, Mark Basely from Riverina Wool (sponsor and provider of $5000 cash prize) and Michael Elmes, Collinsville Stud Consultant.