Collinsville On Property Ram Sale
We are proud to have offered and sold all 230 Rams with an average of $2261.96 on Monday 17th September 2018 at our Annual On-Property Sale.
Our top priced Ram sold for $15 000 to Glenowie Stud, Hanson, South Australia.
Collinsville thanks all clients, friends and underbidders.
Pictured L-R: Tim Dalla, Collinsville, George Millington, Collinsville, Angus Stockman, Glenowie, Paul Cousins and Jack Coleman, Elders.

Adelaide Merino Ram Sale
The Adelaide Ram Sale has set the benchmark for multi-vendor sales in Australia.
This year Collinsville offered 5 Rams for sale, which included 170053 , the team leader who was judged 2018 Riverina Wool Ram of the Year. We are proud to announce that 170053 topped the 2018 Adelaide Ram Sale at $46,000 to East Mundalla.
2018 Adelaide Ram Sale Results:
Lot 7 – $46, 000 to East Mundalla.
Lot 8 – $30, 000 to Dunedin Park.
Lot 9 – $15, 000 to Kedleston Park.
Lot 10 – $26, 000 to Southerland.
Lot 11 – $31, 000 to Southerland.
Collinsville Stud Merinos congratulates all buyers.

Rabobank National Merino Sheep Show and Ram Sale
We congratulate Westray Merinos From Peak Hill, NSW on the half share purchase of Collinsville’s impressive Imperial 170521 valuing the ram at $60,000.
Semen has been collected and is available for sale.
He will be displayed at Collinsville’s on-property sale on the 17th of September followed by Westray Stud’s sale on the 27th September 2018.
Pictured L-R: Ray Cannon from Westray, Blake Tremain-Cannon from Westray, George Millington from Collinsville, Tim Dalla from Collinsville, and Michael Elmes, Collinsville Stud Consultant.

67th Hay Sheep Show – June 16 2018
Collinsville took home the prestigious 2018 Riverina Wool Australia Champion Hogget Merino Ram at the 67th Hay Sheep Show.
The award is renowned as Australia’s most prized for the Merino Ram Hogget and a proud achievement for Collinsville.
Judges for the stud sheep:
Wal Merriman, Merryville Merinos, Boorowa
Kim Henderson, Grogansworth Merinos, Bowning
John Bensley, Stillbrook Poll Merinos, Laggan
with associate judges:
Will Nadin, Warren
Felicity Brumpton, Jolly Jumbuck Merinos, Mitchell, QLD
Pictured is Tim Dalla, General Manger, Collinsville, Mark Basely from Riverina Wool (sponsor and provider of $5000 cash prize) and Michael Elmes, Collinsville Stud Consultant.
Collinsville is proud to announce that we won the 2018 Riverina Wool Australia Champion Hogget Merino Ram

Bendigo Australian Sheep and Wool Show – July 20, 21, 22 2018
We had a great weekend at the Australian Sheep and Wool Show in July.
It was fantastic to network with sheep producers and studs while showing off our quality Stud Rams.
Collinsville sold Merino ram pictured, ‘Star Affair 170129,’ to Goolgumbla Stud for $20,000.
Bob Rollinson said he purchased the ram for his “terrific outlook and presence and it is a fine example of a true Collinsville ram.”
Congratulations Bob.
Pictured (L-R): Chris Bowman, Goolgumbla Classer, Bob Rollinson, Goolgumbla Principal, and Tim Dalla, General Manager, Collinsville.
Australian Sheep and Wool Show president Ross McGauchie said that the national event has tripled in size since it moved to Bendigo 18 years ago.
Check out the coverage of by The Stock and Land here: http://bit.ly/2LhfIrd

SA Merino Field Day
Collinsville offered 14 Rams for auction at the South Australian Merino Field Days which was held over two days, 19 – 20 March 2018.
13/14 Rams Sold to $7500 (Lot 3. 160704) and av. $3077.
Customers travelled far and wide to view our line-up of top-tier Rams on display at our sale complex, as well as at Burra Oval the following day.
We received positive feedback regarding the large display of ewes and young rams on the Monday at display on our property at Collinsville. It was pleasing to be able to display our depth of genetics to the public.
Purchases of our rams spanned as far as Winton in Queensland to Katanning in Western Australia, demonstrating the versatility of our genetics.
Rams also sold to producers in South Australia, Victoria and NSW. It was pleasing that some rams went to Hamilton in Victoria where rainfall is substantially higher then Hallett. Both the customer and classer commented on how Collinsville’s wools have improved remarkably and this wool would easily handle their rainfall.
A Victorian customer commented that 8 years ago they would not look at Collinsville but now with their wool they will be coming back next year.
We would also like to thank those who joined us at the SA Merino Field Days. We value your engagement and your support.
Collinsville is well known around Australia for producing top rams with superior genetics at exceptional value. We have proven time and time again how our sheep outperform the market in the ring and the paddock.