We are proud to have offered and sold all 230 Rams with an average of $2261.96 yesterday at our Annual On-Property Sale. Our top priced Ram sold for $15 000…
We are proud to have offered and sold all 230 Rams with an average of $2261.96 yesterday at our Annual On-Property Sale. Our top priced Ram sold for $15 000…
The Adelaide Ram Sale has set the benchmark for multi-vendor sales in Australia. This year Collinsville offered 5 Rams for sale, which included 170053 , the team leader who was judged 2018…
Our team was thrilled to once again greet customers and local producers at the National Merino Sheep Show in Dubbo. Of course just as pleasing is the superior quality of…
We congratulate Westray Merinos From Peak Hill, NSW on the half share purchase of Collinsville's impressive Imperial 170521 valuing the ram at $60,000. Semen has been collected and is available for sale.…