Congratulations to Wayne Button, Manunda, WA on the private purchase of a Collinsville stud sire Regal 210357 ET for $60,000 and Graham Kerse, Cramphorne Stud, WA on purchasing Emperor 215143 ET for $50,000.
Congratulations to Wayne Button, Manunda, WA on the private purchase of a Collinsville stud sire Regal 210357 ET for $60,000 and Graham Kerse, Cramphorne Stud, WA on purchasing Emperor 215143 ET for $50,000.
Collinsville Stud Merinos 2022 Sale Result We offered and sold 300 Merino and Poll Merino rams to a top of $48,000.
Collinsville and East Bungaree Studs received outstanding results at the Royal Adelaide Show. In the March Shorn Poll Merino Ram section, both the Collinsville and East Bungaree Studs won the medium and strong wool champion rams in fields of over 40 rams in each class.
Collinsville & East Bungaree On Property Ram Sale. Same day, same location, total of 600 Merino & Poll Merino Rams on offer. 20 September 2022.
We had a complete clearance of 120 commercial Collinsville rams on Tuesday 23 August 2022 at our annual NSW sale in Hay.
We had a fantastic day out at Jamestown for the Northern SA Merino Expo.
Congratulations to Kolindale Stud, Dudinin WA on their private purchase of Collinsville's Emperor 395 for $115,000 at the Australian Sheep and Wool Show, Bendigo, Victoria.
Collinsville Stud Principal, George Millington, toured the Michell Direct Wool processing factory in Salisbury.
The Cappeedee shearing shed and yard build is almost complete! We have a busy month ahead for the new infrastructure with scanning to be completed as well as our main crutching and shearing of Collinsville's ram lambs on the calendar this month.