On Property Ram Sale (Auction)

Monday September 17, 2018

Collinsville Sale Complex via Hallett

230 Merino and Poll Merino Rams
Inspection from 10am Sale starts at 12:30pm



OUR OBJECTIVE: Collinsville’s unwavering focus is to breed profitable Australian Merino sheep. Our sheep are genuinely large framed with excellent growth and fertility rates and carcass attributes. They produce a heavy cutting, white soft handling fleece while exhibiting excellent conformation and constitution.
Collinsville rams are sold exclusive of GST.
Buyers must add 10% to the knockdown price of each ram purchased.
2% rebate to outside agents giving notice in writing 24 hours before the sale
Light lunch available
Get Directions – view map
Airstrip: Jamestown Airport
Please feel free to Contact Us for more information. We look forward to seeing you there.