The South Australian Stud Merino & Poll Merino Directory contains key information for the coming year, as well as a wrap up of the previous year.
Turn to page 20 to see some of the top South Australian Stud Merino achievements and champions of 2022, with Collinsville Stud Merinos recognised in four of the ten major champion highlights.
Don’t miss the details for next week’s Burra Field Days on page 30. Collinsville Stud Merinos will host an on-property display and a Burra display at the Elders SA Stud Merino Expo – Thursday March 2 and Friday March 3.
You’ll also find our on-property sale information on page 10.
Pick up a copy of the Directory at the Elders SA Stud Merino Expo at Burra on Friday March 3,
or email info@merinosa.com.au to request a copy.